Earth Day

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Jeremiah 9:24

Whenever I begin a new pastorate, I get a new journal.  And when I get a new journal, I use the first pages to define terms anew.  

I think a huge part of faith is trying to discern the Heart of God.  What is it that God loves?  What is it that delights God, gives God joy?  If I truly know what that is, I can then turn to other discernment tools like Scripture to decide what I will take forward and what I will leave behind.

Right there, in Jeremiah 9:24, I see the wisdom of Jeremiah.  

Jeremiah 9:24

Let those who boast

Boast in this    

That they understand and know me  

That I am the Creator of the Universe 

 I act with  

Steadfast Love 


And Righteousness 

In the Earth  

For in these things 


Says the Creator of the Universe 

As I begin my new pastorate at Pilgrim Congregational UCC in St. Joseph, Michigan, then, I write out new definitions for those terms.  I began with how Hebrew Scripture scholar, Walter Brueggemann defined each of them.  And then I expanded from there.

This writing helps me to articulate my faith, sharpen my faith, develop language with which I can engage Scripture and other people.  That language then calls me into action.



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