Earth Day

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Billings Rally: An Energy Strategy for the 21st Century, March 29, 2016

Billings Rally:  An Energy Strategy for the 21st Century
March 29, 2016
Billings Courthouse Lawn

          It’s disheartening.  We clamor for our national leaders to be inclusive, to speak on behalf of our most vulnerable populations, to not be short-sighted but to seek out long term solutions that might benefit not only the profit of the present generation but the health and well-being of future generations.  Instead, what Senator Daines has chosen is to use slick words and twisted terms to be nothing but a snake oil salesman.  Snake oil salesmen were always carpetbaggers who betrayed the locals by getting them to spend their hard earned dollars on remedies and potions that had no basis in reality.  How can he claim his Montana roots when he sells Montana and its people down the Yellowstone River?
He talks about an all-of-the-above energy strategy, like its inclusive, but heads up a conference hosted and sponsored by the likes of Montana Petroleum Association, Montana Coal Council, Cloud Peak, Phillips 66, and Conoco Phillips with an obligatory nod to everpower.  An all-of-the-above energy strategy ignores a history of imbalance, government funding for extractive energy, and denies the radical action climate change requires to bring balance back to God’s good earth.  At the very least, Senator Daines, show yourself to be a man of honor and speak the truth. 
          To act like this is about the plight of our Native American sisters and brothers, he now claims to be their defender by advocating for Crow Nation’s ability to take their coal out of the ground for use.  These are just slick words and twisted terms showing him to be a snake oil salesman.   What will this do for the long term plight of the Crow people, the everyday Crow person, the structural racism that will remain?  At the very least, Senator Daines, show yourself to be a man of honor and speak the truth. 
          Senator Daines talks about the “future” of Montana energy with the intelligence of an ostrich.  With the overwhelming statements by climate scientists saying that we are way past the time when we need to adjust course, with no such thing as “clean coal”, and with peak oil, how can this be our future?  With the way extracted energy sources destroy ecosystems, how can this be our future?  With the way extracted energy sources act in boom and bust, how can this be our future?  These are the words of a snake oil salesman.  At the very least, Senator Daines, show yourself to be a man of honor and speak the truth. 
          Stop using slick words and twisted terms and speak the truth.  Be a man of honor.  Show leadership. 
          Today we affirm one of the deepest truths in the Judeo-Christian tradition.  God owns the land and gives it to the entire community on loan so that we might be good stewards of this amazing gift.  So that we may be good stewards of this soil’s fertile and regenerative power, these mountains’ majesties, this waters’ cleansing and ever-flowing life, we meet here today to say there is a path which honors the beautiful and rich Montana we have been given.   Mythologically, throughout Scripture, the prophets tell us that God is actively involved in creating a new earth when the soil is despoiled, the mountains tremble, and the seas begin to roar.  It is a sign that the earth itself has lost balance, is showing symptoms of a fever, and that we best be collaborating with God to build a new heaven and a new earth.  That time has come sisters and brothers.  That has time has come.   The soil has been poisoned and cracks in dryness, the mountains burn and tremble in places where they never have before, and the hurricanes and typhoons roar with an intensity never known.  Pope Francis remembers our tradition to know that all of this environmental degradation is related to how we treat the economically poor. 
          And Senator Daines tells us to take two aspirin and he will call us in the morning.   Because there are dollars to be made when extractive energy says that it owns the land.  There is a profit to be made even when the long-term effects of coal extraction will ravage the land and our lungs.  There is a future to be sold when our tapwater can be lit on fire and emergency services are once again needed on our coastlines ravaged by roaring seas and among our towns ravaged by burning forests.   Show yourself to be more than a snake-oil salesman.  Be a man of honor.  Be honest.  Speak the truth. 
          Whether it be through the wide consensus on climate change or Biblical imperative, listen to what the world is telling you.  We have been given a gift.  You are its trustee.  Listen to climate scientists.  Listen to Biblical imperative.  Listen to the earth.  Be truly inclusive.  Truly care for the most vulnerable.  Truly imagine a future for your children and children’s children.  None of the people of Montana or Montana’s beauty and resources will be protected by your almighty dollar.    Be more than a snake oil salesman.  Speak the truth. 

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